What is full-spectrum CBD oil?
The range of ways you can take CBD continues to increase, as does the number of different forms it comes in. This can be very exciting, but also somewhat daunting. It's important to understand the basics of the different types of CBD – and that's where this blog post comes in! Very simply, CBD is an extract of the Cannabis Sativa plant, commonly known as the hemp plant. Depending on the method of extraction, you can get isolate CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, or full-spectrum CBD oil. In this post, we'll answer all the questions you might have about full-spectrum CBD. If you're interested in broad-spectrum CBD, be sure to check out our accompanying post on the topic.
What is full-spectrum CBD oil?
To better understand the meaning of full-spectrum CBD oil, let’s enlighten you a little about the compounds of the cannabis plant, of which the hemp plant is a common variety.
The cannabis plant is made up of hundreds of natural compounds. The first group of compounds falls under the category of cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) are among the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. THC is the compound that is responsible for the psychoactive effects that the plant can produce.
The second group of compounds found in the cannabis plant is flavonoids. There are roughly 20 of them in the cannabis plant. Typically, you can find flavonoids in all types of plants, including vegetables and fruits.
The last group of compounds is terpenes. The cannabis plant has more than 150 terpenes. These compounds are the reason for the fragrance of the cannabis plant.
So, let’s go back to our question. Full-spectrum CBD oil is an extract of Cannabis Sativa or hemp plant that contains small amounts of all the compounds found in the cannabis plant: flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabinoids. According to the UK law and regulations, the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content of full-spectrum CBD oil must be less than 0.3%. Be sure to buy your full-spectrum CBD oil from a reputed seller to ensure it meets legal requirements.
What is the difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD oil?
Full-spectrum CBD oil contains portions of all the natural compounds found in the cannabis plant – that is, cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. The percentage of THC in full-spectrum CBD oil should be less than 0.3% as per the regulations in the UK. On the other hand, broad-spectrum CBD oil contains a range of terpenes and cannabinoids, with the exception of THC. This means that broad-spectrum CBD is ideal for those who want to take CBD but don’t want to consume any THC.
How does full-spectrum CBD oil differ from CBD isolate?
Full-spectrum CBD oil has all the components of the cannabis plant, including some traces of THC. CBD isolate has no cannabinoids or terpenes aside from CBD itself. That is, CBD isolate contains pure CBD. CBD isolate may not be ideal for consumers wishing to experience the entourage effect.
How long does the oil stay in your body?
The time frame for how long CBD stays in your body ranges anywhere between 24 hours to a few weeks. This can vary depending on multiple factors like dosage, frequency of use, individual metabolism, and consumption method.
How do you use full-spectrum CBD oil?
There are a wide variety of ways to use CBD oil. Whatever your preferences, there will certainly be an option that suits you. The most popular method to consume CBD oil is through oral ingestion. Here, you administer drops of the oil into your mouth. This method is very convenient. Most suppliers will include a dropper with their CBD oil. Using this, you can easily administer the exact dosage directly into your mouth.
Most users who take CBD oil orally use the sublingual method. This term describes administering CBD oil under your tongue and holding it there for a couple of minutes. Some of the oil goes into the tissues under the tongue and inside the cheeks while the remainder is swallowed. The oil enters your bloodstream via the mucous membranes in your mouth without going into your digestive tract and liver.
Another popular method for taking CBD oil is to have it infused into food – commonly referred to as CBD edibles. CBD edibles are perfectly legal in the UK as long as they obey the regulations regarding the maximum amount of THC. Unlike with the sublingual method, CBD oil taken in this form first goes into your digestive tract, then to the liver, where it is broken down and directed to your bloodstream. The advantages of this method of taking CBD oil include the option to choose from a range of forms and flavours – such as fruity CBD gummies – as well as the easy portability.
How do I know if my CBD oil is full-spectrum?
Check the product label. Manufacturers are required to indicate all the ingredients on the product label. If you’re buying full-spectrum CBD oil, look at the THC percentage. According to legal requirements, THC content should be less than 0.3%. Also, check whether the oil contains all the extracts of the cannabis plant, including cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes.
It’s worth noting that less reputable manufacturers may label their products inaccurately. Some may have a higher concentration of ingredients than stated on the label, while others may have a lower concentration. This is why you should ask for a certificate of analysis (COA) when shopping for any CBD products. The certificate proves that the product has been tested by a third party. It also lists all the information about the CBD oil under question. Reputable supplier will usually post these certificates on their website for you to consult.
Once you have seen the certificate of analysis, compare its contents to that of the product label. Focus more on the THC concentration and make sure it’s within the set regulation. To save yourself the hassle, shop for full-spectrum CBD oil from reliable vendors.
Will full-spectrum CBD oil make you fail a drug test?
This depends on certain factors, but it may do. The amount of THC in full-spectrum CBD is very low, but it is still present. Since drug tests usually screen for THC, it is possible that your test will come back positive if you consume it regularly.
If you are concerned about passing a drug test – for instance, if you are an athlete who is tested regularly – consider using broad-spectrum CBD oil instead. At Supreme CBD, we offer a range of broad-spectrum CBD products specifically tailored for athletes.
Is full-spectrum CBD oil legal in the UK?
Yes, but under certain conditions. For full spectrum CBD oil to be legal, it must contain less than 0.3% THC. When buying, always double-check the independent lab reports to be sure of the product’s contents.
What is the proper dosage for full-spectrum CBD oil?
There is no standard dosage for taking any CBD infused product – the appropriate dosage will depend on many factors. However, all CBD products come with serving sizes listed on the label. The serving size recommends the amount of full-spectrum CBD oil you should consume in a day. If you are starting out on CBD, consider starting with a lower dosage. You can increase the dosage in small amounts with time. Do not exceed the maximum recommended dosage.
What should you consider when buying full-spectrum CBD oil?
With many brands and varieties of full-spectrum CBD oil and other CBD-infused products on the market, it can be challenging to find the right one for you. When shopping for these products, you need to consider a few factors. Look at the company’s certification. All companies producing CBD products must be certified by relevant bodies. Their manufacturing processes must be safe and legal. Look at the product’s potency.
Full-spectrum CBD oil should contain all the natural extracts of the cannabis plant in the recommended concentration. For those with allergies, take note of other ingredients used to make the product. Consider the brand's reputation and customer trust. Go through the reviews on the company's website to see the comments of other customers. Ask for third-party lab reports to clarify the contents of the full spectrum CBD oil. Make sure the CBD oil contains less than 0.3% of THC as per the UK regulations.
In what form is full-spectrum CBD oil sold?
Full-spectrum CBD oil is sold in many forms. The simplest option is to buy the oil itself in your chosen quantity. The oil comes in liquid form and is administered under the tongue. However, this is not the only option.
Full-spectrum CBD oil is also sold in capsule form. Capsules are ideal for those who don’t want to feel the aftertaste of the CBD oil after consuming it. They are also quicker to take as compared with oil, as you do not need to hold them under your tongue.
Ultimately, when it comes to choosing which type of full-spectrum CBD oil to buy, your personal preference and lifestyle are the deciding factors. Some options allow for you take quickly and discreetly take CBD while going about your daily business, while others require a little more preparation. Choose the form of CBD oil that will best match with your daily routine.