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How do you use CBD muscle and joint rub?

CBD can be infused into a wide range of different products. As its popularity grows, so too do the different ways you can use it. From bath bombs to edibles, skincare products to vapes, there a range of options to suit every preference. In this post, we want to focus on one particular way of taking CBD: CBD-infused muscle and joint rub. If you're interested in trying this method of taking CBD, or just curious about how it works, this post is for you. Our goal is to help you understand how to use CBD muscle and joint rub and give you all the information you need to choose the right product for you.

What is CBD joint rub?

CBD joint rub, also known as CBD muscle balm, is a cream or fragrant topical oil applied to joints and muscles. It is made by mixing CBD with other soothing ingredients such as eucalyptus, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil. Not only does it offer a convenient way to get your daily dose of CBD, but well-designed creams can also incorporate the benefits of traditional over-the-counter skincare products. For instance, a product containing eucalyptus will offer a cooling, soothing fragrance.

CBD joint rub contains no more than 0.2% of THC – this being the component of the hemp plant responsible for its psychoactive effects. As a result, you need not worry about experiencing any such effects when using it. Any CBD joint balm with this THC concentration will meet the legal requirements in the UK, so you can buy with confidence.

How do you use CBD joint rub?

It’s very easy to use a joint rub. In fact, this is one the main benefits of using it as a way get your daily dose of CBD. Simply apply the CBD balm directly to your skin, perhaps when you've finished a workout or just after a shower. It’s meant for external use only. Identify the part of your body (a particular muscle or joint) that you want to apply it to. This could be your neck, back, or shoulders, for example. Apply a thin layer of the CBD joint balm to the targeted areas and massage it gently but thoroughly into the skin. If you can’t do it yourself, have someone help you to apply the product. Do this up to 3-4 times a day, depending on your needs. However, be sure not to exceed the recommended dosage.

How does CBD joint rub work?

Once you’ve applied the CBD joint rub to your skin and rubbed it in thoroughly, it will begin to penetrate your skin cells. After it has done so, it will then interact with the cannabinoids receptors present in the skin. Cannabinoid receptors form part of your body’s endocannabinoid system. The primary function of the endocannabinoid system in your body is to maintain homeostatic body functions.

Further, the addition of essential oils like menthol and peppermint to high-quality CBD muscle balms will provide a cooling sensation to the skin. Thanks to these ingredients, it can provide many of the benefits of standard over-the-counter muscle rubs, including helping to moisturize your skin. So, you might want to consider simply using it as part of your daily skincare routine.

CBD joint rub does not enter your bloodstream. Instead, it only absorbs into the skin cells. However, you still have to take some precautions when applying the CBD joint balm to your skin. You should only apply the balm to the targeted areas, and be sure to keep it away from your eyes. If you're planning to use it on your face, you should probably consider buying a CBD face cream instead. If the balm accidentally comes into contact with your eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with plenty of water. If you continue to experience irritation after repeatedly rinsing, seek medical help. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the product.

A buying guide for CBD joint rub

There are various manufacturers of CBD joint rub, and not all offer products of equal quality. That’s why CBD products are highly regulated in most countries. You should be careful to choose reputable, well-regarded suppliers and check the ingredients carefully. This is particularly true if you have sensitive skin. Here are a few things to consider when buying CBD joint rub.

THC levels/concentration

According to most jurisdictions (including the UK), CBD products are only legal if they contain less than 0.3% THC. When shopping for CBD joint rub, enquire about the THC concentration levels. This information is usually indicated on the product label. If the product is not clearly labelled, this can be a warning sign. Any reputable manufacturer will clearly display the quantity of THC present in their products.


CBD joint rubs are made of a wide range of ingredients. Don’t just focus on the CBD concentration in the product and forget to check the other ingredients. In most cases, manufacturers use different ingredients to make their products unique. Again, the ingredients must be indicated on the product label – if they are not, you should be extremely cautious, and consider looking elsewhere.

Some of the common CBD joint rub ingredients include eucalyptus, peppermint oil, sodium hydroxide, and glycerine. Make sure you’re comfortable with whatever is in the product. If the product contains allergens that might affect your health, don’t buy them. In addition, to ensure it is suitable for sensitive skin, consider buying CBD creams and joint rubs that are made from natural, organic substances.

Third-party lab testing

This is a very important aspect to focus on when purchasing any CBD products. All CBD products must undergo third-party lab testing to verify and approve the contents and safety of the products. Third-party testing ensures the CBD joint balm is of the highest quality. Some manufacturers will claim that their products have been tested by third-party labs when in fact they haven’t. It’s best to verify this information.

If possible, visit the manufacturer’s website to download and view the third-party lab report about their CBD joint rub. If you can’t find the lab report, then it means the product may not have been tested and is not safe for use.

Company certifications

Before you buy CBD joint rub from a particular company, ask yourself: is this manufacturer certified to produce CBD products? Not everyone is allowed to manufacture CBD products, especially in countries with strict CBD regulations. Always ask for certification when buying CBD joint balms and other CBD-infused products. Also, it’s important to consider the manufacturing processes of the company. These should be clearly described. Indeed, if the manufacturer is confident in the quality of their products, they will be eager to tell you all about the processes they use!

Brand reputation and user trust

The industry is full of manufacturers producing different kinds of CBD products. When buying CBD joint rub, only go for trusted and reputable manufacturers. Ask for recommendations from other people – if you have family or friends who are CBD users, ask them what they use. When buying online, look at the reviews and see what other people say about the product and the company. Are the customers satisfied with the product? Are there any complaints? Pay attention to every detail.


The cost of buying a CBD joint rub will depend on various factors. Manufacturers charge differently for their CBD products. Compare different manufacturers, but be wary of simply choosing the cheapest. After all, quality does not come without an associated cost. This means that the price will inevitably vary depending on the product quality. As a rule, never compromise quality for the sake of a low price. 

Why do people use CBD joint rub?

It’s convenient and easy to use

With CBD joint rub, there are no complicated steps or procedures to follow. You only need to apply a thin layer of the CBD joint rub to a targeted area and rub it gently and thoroughly for some time. You can do this by yourself or have someone help you do it. CBD joint rub has a fast-absorbing formula. The cream penetrates the skin, joints, and muscles fast.


CBD joint rubs undergo third-party lab testing to ensure the quality and safety of the product. The reports are published on the manufacturer’s website for customers to review. This means they are safe for use. 


CBD products are highly regulated in most countries. The manufacturing, sale, and use of such products are only permitted under strict conformance with the set rules and regulations. If bought from reputable manufacturers, CBD joint rub will contain less than 0.3% THC, which makes it legal in the United Kingdom.

The bottom line

The variety of CBD-infused products continues to increase. It can seem like new products come on the market every day, from CBD edibles to CBD bath bombs and now CBD joint rubs. CBD joint rubs are made by combining CBD with a range of other natural organic ingredients and oils. It’s easy to use the joint rub. Simply apply it thoroughly to your skin. To ensure you purchase the best product, look at the THC levels, ingredients, third-party lab testing, and company certification.

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