What are CBD edibles? Our ultimate guide to the bestselling CBD treats
Before we list the best selling CBD treats, let’s answer the question, “What are CBD edibles?”
To understand what CBD edibles are, we need to know what Cannabidiol (CBD) is first. CBD is one of the hundreds of compounds present in the cannabis Sativa plant. The extract might contain other cannabinoids and terpenes from the same plant including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). You want your CBD products to have THC levels at 0.03% or below as this is the legal requirement in the UK.
CBD treats or edibles are foodstuffs infused with CBD that you can eat. Adding CBD to food is made possible by the use of CBD oil as part of the ingredients before or during cooking. This could be anything from candy, bites, cakes, to delicious gummies.
Types of CBD edibles you’ll find
While there’s pure CBD with 99.9% of CBD contents, there’s CBD with other cannabinoids and terpenes, as we mentioned earlier. CBD edibles come with different concentrations of cannabis compounds. You’ll see them in three types:
Isolate CBD edibles:
These treats contain CBD in its purest form - often 99.9%. They do not have other cannabinoids or terpenes. Most of the time, the extract used to make these edibles comes from the hemp plant and not cannabis.
Broad-spectrum CBD edibles:
Broad-spectrum CBD edibles use CBD oil that contains other cannabinoids and terpenes except for THC. Because of the many compounds present in these CBD edibles, using them tends to be more preferable than in the case where CBD is the only compound.
Full-spectrum CBD edibles:
Full-spectrum CBD edibles consist of all the compounds present in the cannabis Sativa plant, including THC. But the THC contents are regulated at 0.3% or less in most jurisdictions to avoid its intoxication effects. Just like in the broad-spectrum case, edibles with this type of CBD will be more effective than when in the situation of isolate CBD edibles because of the entourage effect.
Why CBD edibles are a good choice for you
The problem with vaping is that you might need to learn a few things to be successful and satisfied with it. For instance, if you are in a public place, you might want to take cover to avoid being looked at strangely because of the vapour you produce during the process (however minimal this might be). If you are new to vaping, then you might need to bear with lung irritation during and after the process.
The same applies to sublingual administration. Onlookers might be interested when you raise your head high, open your mouth wide, and squeeze a few drops of CBD under the tongue.
Taking CBD edibles comes with its advantages over vaping and sublingual administration in the following ways:
- Dosing your CBD becomes easier because you just need to take one or two edibles at any given time. You’ll be sure to know how much CBD is in each treat because the packaging often tells what’s in each piece.
- You don’t have to worry about damaging your lungs with smoking or vaping which might include throat and lung irritation, plus coughing.
- You can walk around with your treats anywhere you go and use them conveniently when it’s time to do so.
- No one will take notice when you are taking edibles like chewable sweets because they are discrete. Even someone one meter away won’t realise you are taking CBD unless you tell them.
- You have a wide range of CBD edibles to choose from including gummies, candies, bites, to mention but a few.
- When you take edibles, they enter your body through the digestive system. It's worth knowing however that this process may take a longer period of time than smoking or sublingually.
What are CBD edibles? Our bestselling CBD treats
This list comprises some of the best edibles you’ll find on the internet today. We have sourced quality ingredients that are not just safe but also delicious. All the products on our list are verified and backed up with third-party lab testing, which is available upon request. The testing is a never-ending process that ensures you'll only get quality edibles on this list.
Large gummy strawberries
Gummy strawberries are a great way to revive your childhood sweet tooth with an added twist. This edible is not just a best seller in our gallery but also an award-winning CBD product. It’s a blend of tanginess and sweetness that you won’t get anywhere else.
These gummies use high-quality broad-spectrum CBD and each gummy consists of 10mg of this ingredient. We use premium quality hemp extracts for our gummy strawberries. Other ingredients in this edible are inverted sugar, sugar, syrup, citric acid, malic acid, natural flavours, and colourings. When it comes to dosing, you can take up to seven gummies each day depending on your dosage needs.
Gummy cherries
Our CBD cherries are specially formulated to give you a blast of sweetness infused with broad-spectrum CBD. Just like the strawberries above, each cherry will supply you with 10mg of CBD. Whether you are just starting out or looking for a different way to enjoy your CBD, these cherries won’t disappoint.
To get the most out of a delicious gummy cherry, let the treat linger in your mouth so the ingredients absorb into the membrane underneath your tongue. You can chew as many as seven gummies per day according to your dosage routine. These are better taken in equal intervals throughout the day rather than all at once.
Gummy bottles
Gummy bottles are another mouthwatering CBD-infused edible on our best sellers list. We guarantee these treats will leave you wanting more whenever you try them. Don’t be carried away though – you can only take up to seven gummies per day, ideally taken in equal intervals. You just need to chew a gummy bottle and it naturally absorbs through the blood vessels in your mouth then the remaining travels down to the stomach where it digests into the bloodstream.
Gummy bears
Those who buy CBD products from Supreme CBD are excited about our gummy bears for many reasons. First is the sweet taste that has put together a blend of tasty ingredients infused with broad-spectrum CBD. Each bear contains 10 mg of CBD giving you a chance to take up to seven of these palatable treats.
Our gummy bears contain glucose syrup, sugar, citric acid, fruit juice concentrate, flavourings, colours, and most importantly the best quality hemp distillate, among other ingredients. All this is produced in a controlled and certified GMP lab then tested in an independent laboratory for a consistent and exceptional quality.
Gummy rings
Looking for some mouth watering CBD-infused treats? We have two packages of these edibles on our top seller’s list. Our gummy rings come with a tangy taste that’s gluten-free, cruelty-free, pesticide-free, and 100% vegan. They don’t just taste good, they also look good. With this, you don’t have to worry about THC contents in what you are taking because they contain 0% of it.
Taking this edible is simple: just pick one piece at a time and chew at your convenience anywhere you go. Each consists of 10mg of CBD and so you can enjoy up to seven pieces in a day depending on your dosage.
Gummy worms
Gummy worms make it to this list because it’s one of the few in the market that contains 25 mg of broad-spectrum CBD. With this, you only need three worms for the day: one in the morning, another during the day, and the final in the evening. These edibles are tasty and easy to take because of their chewy nature. These treats are the perfect choice if you are always on the move.
What are CBD edibles? Final thought
Using CBD infused edibles is the easiest way to dose your CBD without raising eyebrows. Whether new or old, you can count on these treats to be discreet and fun to use. Our list is packed with some of the best selling treats, just pick one and start enjoying what we have.